My Godfather… when mum and dad picked Joe to be my godfather, what a choice they made!!
So many happy memories and times spent together. From taking me to the pub at just 4 months old (and from then on every time I saw him!), to hiding my Rupert Bear Teddy on holiday in Wales when I was 6. Not forgetting the time he filled my rucksack with booze disguised in Ribena cartons to get into Twickenham as he knew security wouldn’t search a 5 year old!!
Then there is the sporting side of our relationship - all the rugby matches we went to, all the football banter, taking me skiing when I was 5 and most recently playing a round of golf together and teaching me how to play bowls.
Everything was always such fun with Joe, whether it be on holiday, visiting him in Canterbury and Lincoln or even just over Facetime.
He truly was an amazing godfather and I am going to miss him enormously.
Love you lots JoeJoe
Love Jamesy xx